November 2011 Resources Featured
Designs For Living And Learning
by Deb Curtis and Margie Carter
Discover principles for creating spaces and choosing materials for children from infants through school-age. You will find resources for unusual
and affordable materials, and learn to set up invitations for learning that combine traditional and non-traditional materials, inviting curiosity and exploration.
The Art of Awareness
by Deb Curtis and Margie Carter
Observing children provides a new way of thinking about learning and teaching, a way of making children visible just as they are, not just as teachers want them to be. Ideas, activities, experiences, and practical strategies are interspersed with photographs and observation stories. Teachers will find the list of resources for further study valuable.
Young Investigators: The Project Approach in the Early Years
by Judy Harris Helm and Lilian G. Katz
Updated and expanded to help teachers use the project approach in child care centers, preschools, Kindergarten, Grade 1, and early childhood special education classrooms, this book introduces the approach and provides step-by-step guidance for conducting meaningful projects. Interviews, children’s work, photographs, and teacher journal entries used to document the project process in actual classrooms are included.
K Today: Teaching and Learning in the Kindergarten Year
by Dominic F. Gullo
A vivid picture of kindergarten children, perceptive discussion of current context and policy issues, and clear guidelines for teaching and assessing kindergartners and, for six curriculum domains, leading experts outline what children should know and how effective teachers ensure that learning. This fresh, engaging resource gets readers thinking and promotes well-informed teaching and leadership for kindergarten.
How to Profit from the Word: A Handbook for Teachers of Bible in Christian Schools
by Johanna Campbell
This book, a thoughtful, defensible and viable approach to teaching and studying the Bible in Christian Schools, presents a biblically grounded framework as well as concrete strategies to nurture students’ faith, enabling them to listen to, obey and apply God’s Word to all aspects of life and culture. This book will help teachers and schools reconsider and improve how the Bible, God’s story of redemption, is taught and studied.