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Posted on Feb 5, 2013

February 2013 News and Events

February 2013 News and Events

Leadership Conference 201213th Annual Leadership Conference

170 school board members, school staff and SCSBC board members demonstrated their commitment to Christian education by giving up their Saturday to attend the 13th Annual Leadership Conference on November 3, 2012. The theme of the day was Planning Strategically. The plenary was presented by Henry Contant and Tim Williams with guest spots by Jim Vanderkooy from Kings Christian Collegiate in Ontario, and Ray Pennings from Cardus. Workshop choices followed, including an indepth look at the Kings’ strategic planning process, and an exploration of the implications of the Cardus Education Survey.

Learning LeadersLearning Leaders

“Understand by doing” was the order of the day on November 16 when 27 SCSBC learning leaders met on the campus of TWU to experience speed-building a curriculum unit with master teacher, Joanne den Boer. By the end of the day, they not only had a unit well under way, but they had a process to take back to their own schools and train their teachers in the technique. This meeting represented a new stage for SCSBC – the learning segments were filmed and published online as a further teaching resource for those who attended.

small high school

Our Small High Schools – Stable and Flourishing

Administrators from our small SCSBC high schools met for two days in December to share, discuss and learn about the unique opportunities and challenges their schools face. What distinctives make our Christian schools stand out from all the rest of the educational opportunities parents can choose?


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