September 2015 News and Events
Christianity in the Crosshairs
The May 2014 edition of the Education Law Reporter begins with an editorial that states, “The role of religion in Canadian schools continues to raise political controversy and legal disputes – most recently in Ontario, Alberta and Quebec.”
The editorial highlights the recent clash of religious freedom and personal or organizational rights. “The Erazo case involved a Catholic denominational school in Ontario and focused on a student’s right to be exempted from religious teachings or events held at his school. The Loyola case in Quebec centered on the right of the school to teach a required course in religion from a perspective consistent with the school’s Jesuit values. In Alberta, questions were raised concerning religious-based employment policies in schools that receive public funding. The issue focused on the Prairie Christian Academy, a private Christian school based in Three Hills. A policy posted on, but now removed from, the school’s website allegedly required the school’s teachers to “abstain from homosexual relations.”
Leaders of Christian schools need to be aware of the legal landscape concerning religious freedom. Bob Kuhn, President of Trinity Western University, which is currently being challenged on its plan to open a law school, is well positioned to speak to these issues. Bob will be the keynote speaker at the 2015 SCSBC Leadership Conference on November 7 as we together explore the issue of “Christianity in the Crosshairs.”
Four of our own BC educators were part of the group of eighteen attending the 16th annual Educators Leadership Development Institute at Cedar Springs Christian Retreat Center from July 6 to 10, 2015. They are Jonathan Boone, Bulkley Valley Christian School; Shawn Taal, Pacific Christian School; Dan Verbeek, Agassiz Christian School; and Roberta Wong, Powell River Christian School.
BC Ed Plan Curriculum Update
Kindergarten to Grade 9
All K-9 draft curriculum is now available online at
Schools have the option to begin using the draft curriculum this school year.
Planning for Curriculum Exploration in 2015-16 –
Course Outline Instructions –
Grade 10 to Grade 12
First drafts of the 10-12 curriculum will be posted by August 31, 2015 for field review.
These drafts are not intended to be used in the 2015/16 school year.
The 10-12 drafts are the first step in a process towards a revised 10-12 curriculum. There will be opportunities for the field to provide feedback on these early drafts.
SCSBC Directors of Learning Darren Spyksma and Greg Gerber continue to work with Learning Leaders and lead member school staff workshops as our schools continue to imagine the impact and possibilities of developing a local reflection of the BC Edplan in our school communities.