February 2018 Resources
Mission Directed
Governing Your Christian School with Purpose
by Leonard Stob
The mission-directed governance model helps leaders of Christians schools effectively address governance, purpose, and priority through an organizational structure that will challenge familiar traditional culture, liberate and motivate leaders, faculty and staff, and reduce internal conflicts and politics. Under this model, the school will be encouraged to define its ideals and more consciously focus every aspect of the organization toward accomplishing its mission and vision while holding fast to its essential positions of faith and philosophy.
Community Governance
A Framework for Building Healthy Christian Organisations
by David Bartlett and Paul Campey
Community Governance describes the key characteristics of a healthy Christian organization yet is not a model of governance, but rather a teaching tool focusing on the key ingredient for effective, healthy ministries – relationships. The authors put together the pieces of the healthy Christian organizational governance puzzle into an easy-to-use visual framework that is a practical, hands-on guide for board members, management and leaders.
Virtuous Minds
Intellectual Character Development
by Philip Dow
What does it mean to love God with all of our minds? Dow, a Trinity Western University alumnus, has written an eminently practical guide to the recovery of intellectual character. Educators in British Columbia schools will find this particularly helpful as they work to develop the creative and critical thinking core competencies. A commitment to core competency development is a welcome return to the original virtues and Dow outlines practical methodologies for development of the intellectual virtues in our classrooms.